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Neil Waldhauer Opening comments Welcome to Warpstock
Neil Waldhauer Introducing Attendees Attendees take turns explaining what they do with OS/2
JT Agnello The Three Laws of Virtualization

As a 32-bit OS, various methods have arisen from within OS/2 to get at 64-bit applications "elsewhere" on the network. At the same time, the power of both hardware and virtualization technology has increased by leaps and bounds over the decades since OS/2, and most beneficial of all, ArcaOS itself runs well in a VM.

By developing the three laws of virtualization, new possibilities can be seen for applying the power of virtualization to problems. If a solution doesn't violate a "law" of virtualization, it can be exploited.

Within OS/2, without breaking any of the 3 laws of virtualization, we will run a 64-bit application within its own window frame, in PM. Imagine running 64-bit Notepad++, or Autocad, or any other 64-bit program needed, without remoting into a separate physical machine on the network.

In a rare turn of events, it is Microsoft software that will help enable us, in this particular case, to run 64-bit applications under OS/2, thanks to the 3 laws of virtualization!

Matt Nawrocki Is ArcaOS a DOS gaming mecca? Matt Nawrocki aims to dive into using ArcaOS as a platform for retro PC gaming and its viability in such a role. This presentation will discuss gaming performance for real-mode and protected-mode DOS games using native ArcaOS as well as utilizing emulators like the OS/2 port of DOSBox, and see how it all stacks up.
Gregg Young CWMM and TimidityMCD CW-MM Classes are a complete replacement for the multimedia classes coming with MMOS2. TiMidity plays MIDI and Module (.MOD) files. It does it in software without depending on any hardware MIDI support your soundcard might have. Sound quaility can be much higher because it limited by your CPU's power and memory rather then your soundcard's power and memory.
David Azarewicz ArcaOS 5.1 Extensive details about ArcaOS 5.1, UEFI, GPT, and how stuff actually works. Little known details, tips, and quirks about ArcaOS, it's new features, and new tools. Plenty of time for Q&A. This will be a double session to allow for extensive discussions.
Lewis Rosenthal ArcaOS Roadmap n this session, Lewis Rosenthal, Managing Member of Arca Noae, LLC, will discuss the continuing extended maintenance cycle for the 5.0 release and where 5.1 development is headed. Topics to be discussed will include UEFI, GPT, font scaling for high resolution monitors (and for the rest of us with aging eyes), DOS & Win-OS/2 gaming support, and much more.
Martín Itúrbide Experimenting Compiling PM Applications Martin wanted to learn how to prepare his ArcaOS environment to compile some Presentation Manager samples and applications. This presentation shows his thoughts about his learning experience.
Alex Taylor High-Resolution OS/2: The Sequel In this follow-up to last year's presentation "High Resolution OS/2", we take an updated look at how to use OS/2 on high-resolution screens without having to squint at tiny text and icons. This includes some new developments which make things simpler to manage.
Alex Taylor Using ArcaMapper in ArcaOS 5.1 ArcaOS 5.1 includes a major revamp of the ArcaMapper LAN connections client. This presentation describes how to use it, explains the reasoning behind some of the new features, and discusses various troubleshooting techniques.
Lewis Rosenthal UEFI vs Traditional BIOS: Which is right? There are two distinct schools of thought on the suitability question. I will attempt to list the pros and cons of each. Oh, and I'll also cover the often misunderstood question of GPT vs MBR and how these fit with UEFI vs BIOS. This will also include the ever-present, "how do I know I booted in UEFI mode?" question.
Andy Willis Transferring between Android/Linux/Windows to/from OS/2 TBA
Roderick Klein OS/2 voice and BWW update 2023 Roderick Klein is President of the OS/2 VOICE foundation.
Roderick Klein ArcaOS under and next to VMware ESXi VMware ESXi is a bare-metal hypervisor that installs directly onto your physical server.

Last Updated Sunday, November 26 2023 @ 05:24 PM; 1,145 Hits View Printable Version