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 Added travel link
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 May 17 2008 10:50 AM (Read 7457 times)  
Forum Newbie

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Registered: 05/17/08
Posts: 2

Not knowing where else to put it...

The link:

gives detailed instructions for getting between Santa Cruz and the airports, San Francisco and Sacramento.

Specifically, it includes using the Capitols (rail) to get from/to Oakland Airport. This is a little more expensive, a little less often, but an hour faster and a lot more civilized than the other options. They even have WiFi and outlets for your laptops.

The site includes instructions, links, prices, timings and photos. It is *not* an official site and is rather informal. Double check using the listed links.

I will probably use the Capitols myself coming from my mother's house in Oakland. I am combining a visit home with two conventions.

Dan Carroll

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 May 21 2008 09:25 AM  
Forum Admin

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Registered: 03/23/06
Posts: 238

Hey, thanks, Dan! I'll get this integrated with the event pages this morning.

Looking forward to seeing you this year, and to breaking some bread together again.


Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation
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 July 08 2008 10:29 AM  
Forum Newbie

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Registered: 05/17/08
Posts: 2

Hello Lewis,

Sorry for taking so long to reply. It will be good to get back together again.

Next year I will be back in the Bay Area, allegedly permanently. Twenty years overseas has been interesting, but it is time to throw money at my house in Berkeley.

Dan Carroll

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