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Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 06:29 PM

Projected Warpstock 2010 Sessions

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Not all sessions have presenters assigned, and there is no guaranty that a particular session will indeed be presented.

There are two tracks, the workshop track and the presentation track. You may freely mix the tracks. The event team will provide a classroom style space for the presentations and a table style space for the workshops. Workshops are identified below (if “workshop”does not appear in the title, the session refers to a presentation. The workshops will run concurrently in the table space.

Workshops and presentations begin on Friday morning and run all day. Presentations begin on Saturday morning and run all day and presentations run on Sunday and run for half a day.

Watch this page and the calendar for schedule changes, presenter updates, and topic modifications.
Session Title
eCS 2.0 TBD
After years of development, eCS 2.0 has been released. This session gives an overview of what's in the new version.
What's new in OS/2 and eCS
  1. 4.52 was the last client and server version of OS/2. What are the locations of any needed patches for "base" OS/2.
  2. Who are the (re)sellers for eCS?
  3. What"extras" does eComStation provide over "base" OS/2.
  4. Is anything happening regarding connectivity with Tivo, X10, ZigBee, Arduino, etc?
Lewis Rosenthal
This presentation will focus on the current SAMBA implementations available under OS/2 and eCS, namely, Paul Smedley's port of the server, the NetDrive plugin, and the new EVFS in eCS 2.0. We will discuss connections to SAMBA servers, including eCS-eCS, eCS-Linux (including Open Enterprise Server), Linux-eCS, eCS-Windows, Windows-eCS, eCS-Mac, and Mac-eCS connections.
Lewis Rosenthal An overview of available technologies & drivers, this session will discuss the current state of GenMAC, the XWLAN widget, native ethernet drivers, and the forthcoming driver for newer Intel wired adapters. There will be emphasis on eCS 2.0, but the general scope of this class should be pertinent to all versions of eCS and Warp 4.

On the agenda: installation, driver updating, stack updates, hardware upgrades, profile management, and general troubleshooting of the networking subsystem.
Using OS/2 to host a web site
TBD Installing and configuring AMP. Administration of the website. Editing and
content tools. Web Applications. Using OS/2 as a router and firewall.
Selecting the right UPS
Lewis Rosenthal
Learn the difference between output wattage and volt-amps when selecting the proper size UPS for your computer and electronic equipment, and save costly repairs and/or replacements when disaster strikes. This is an operating system-neutral presentation, so please feel free to bring your questions and concerns about all equipment and OSes.
Installation workshop
  1. Installation help for netbooks and laptops
  2. Possibly "live CDs" available for OS2/eCS to sniff hardware compatibility
User Community
TBD List of forums, newsgroups, and sites that are "current" and active on various OS/2 topics. Meetings and user groups.
TBD Which vendors are still active in OS2-space? Vendors are urged to attend.
Vendors may also submit a poster for display at Warpstock.
Available software and abandonware for OS/2
TBD What software is available for OS/2?
What is the status of OS/2 "abandonware" - both major and minor titles?
QT4 programming
TBD Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write applications once and deploy them across many desktop and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. The Qt toolkit for OS/2
has just been released in beta (Dec, 2009).
TBD Workshop participants will each bring a programming problem, and the presenters will attempt to show how to solve each of the participants' problems. There will be a lot of individual, one on one work, and the course will be hands-on. Participants should leave with a working solution, or at least some progress toward a working solution.
Porting software from Linux to OS/2
TBD A porting expert shows us how to port an application from Linux to OS/2.
TBD How to run eCS on other platforms; how to run other operating systems on eCS.
OpenOffice scripting
Edgar Scrutton
How to use OpenOffice BASIC to automate office tasks.
Scripting in Mesa2
Edgar Scrutton
(2 1/2 hour session) Attendees need to bring their computers with Mesa2 installed, or they may use an unlicensed demo.
An Accounting System using Mesa2
Edgar Scrutton
How it works & how to use it effectively.
Editing and
manipulating video
John Edwards
How the videos from Warpstock can be manipulated under eCS. The process, from camera to web-site or DVD, will be demonstrated.
Printing with eCups
TBD Presentation to cover installation, local printing, network printing.
Future of eCS
TBD A representative of Serenity or Mensys tells us what's going on.

Last Updated Monday, June 28 2010 @ 06:59 PM; 26,418 Hits View Printable Version