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Saturday, September 07 2024 @ 09:56 PM

FREE Online Courses from the HP Learning Center

Learning OppportunitiesYou can't get much better than FREE. Much of what HP has to offer in the way of online coursework is Micros-ft-centeric, but there are many open source topics and general business topics which may be of interest.

For an in-depth look at the courses currently offered by the HP Learning Center, visit

Examples include:

  • Building a tape backup solution
  • Introduction to storage networks
  • Linux 201: administering Linux for users
  • Linux 301: Introduction to Linux system administration NEW!
  • Managing your data center
  • Practical ways to expand your server infrastructure
  • Printer networking and management NEWLY REVISED!
  • Security for IT professionals
  • Virus protection best practices
  • Wireless networking solutions

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