Call for speakers and topics

Tuesday, April 01 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Contributed by: mckinnis

Warpstock 2008, Santa Cruz, California, USA, 15 - 17 August 2008

The calendar for Warpstock 2008 is available for viewing.

All those interested in making presentations or conducting workshops are asked to submit their information to the Speaker Committee as soon as possible.

In addition, all those who would like to attend a presentation or participate in a workshop on a particular topic are urged to make that topic known to the Speaker Committee.

If the presenters and their topics do not match up with the topics requested, we on the speaker committee will do our best to root out an expert on the topic.

As chairman of the speaker committee and ably assisted by Gregg Young, we would ask that you please submit your cards and letters as soon as possible to the Speaker Committee.

Chuck McKinnis

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Warpstock Corporation